Preparing Your Car for Summer Driving


Prepare you vehicle for your summer road trip!


VW Southtowne Presents: Is my gas cap turning my Check engine light on?


Is your Check Engine light on? Sometimes your check engine light could be something as simple as a loose gas cap. Here are some quick tips you can try to see if you can reset your check engine light. WARNING: Your check engine light is installed to protect you and your VW. If it comes on get it checked as soon as possible. If it starts flashing, pull over safely and shut off your vehicle.

VW Southtowne Presents: Why you need snow tires!


Did you know that snow tires can greatly increase your Volkswagens performance and safety? What are the differences between a regular tire and snow tires? Find out now!

VW Southtowne Presents: How to Gauge your tires.


Tire depth is a key factor in not only the performance of your Volkswagen but also your safety. Learn how to safely and accurately gauge your tires wear. Think you need to replace your tires? Here are some handy tips.